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Division of Pathology and Experimental Rheumatology

Faculty of Medicine


Medical Analytics

Małgorzata Rutkowska, „Ebstein-Barr virus (EBV) and levels of anti-EBV antibodies in patients with undifferentiated arthritis.
Dissertation Advisor: Professor Ewa Bryl MD PhD, Supervisor: Agnieszka Daca PhD

Ewelina Drzeżdżon, ” Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and levels of anti-CMV antibodies in patients with undifferentiated arthritis.
Dissertation Advisor: Professor Ewa Bryl MD PhD, Supervisor: Agnieszka Daca PhD


Natalia Buciora, „Immunomodulatory action of vitamin D3”.
Dissertation Advisor: Professor Ewa Bryl MD PhD


Marta Kobylis “Postural asymetry in children”
Dissertation Advisor: Katarzyna Ruckemann-Dziurdzińska MD, PhD

Joanna Klimek “The functional scales in evaluation of the therapeutic results in physiotherapy”
Dissertation Advisor: Katarzyna Ruckemann-Dziurdzińska MD, PhD

Site update: 03.03.2021
Ewa Bryl, Katarzyna Ruckemann-Dziurdzińska