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Zakład Socjologii Medycyny i Komunikacji Medycznej

Department of Social Medicine
MPK number: 145

acting Head:
Dr. Habil. Krzysztof Sobczak

Dr. Habil. Krzysztof Sobczak

A graduate of the University of Gdańsk, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, and the Medical University of Gdańsk. Mentor of the Medical Communication Student Scientific Circle. Organizer of the “Development Project for Communication Competencies of Medical Students at the Medical University of Gdańsk – Med-Kom.” Author of over 70 publications and 30 scientific-research projects in the fields of medical sociology and medical communication. Trainer-consultant specializing in patient communication, assessment and development centers (AC/DC), and competency training. Actively collaborates with patient organizations and leads sessions as part of the Ethical Areopagus in Puck. A member of the Polish Society for Medical Communication and the Polish Psycho-Oncology Society, he also participates in the working group on communication teaching support at KRAUM and the team addressing discrimination against individuals with obesity under the Ombudsman for Patient Rights. Disciplinary Officer for Academic Teachers at GUMed for the 2024-2028 term.

Address:Tuwima 15, 80-210, Gdańsk
Tel.:58 349 15 53 - Head
58 349 15 50 - Secretariat
Tel./fax:58 349 15 51 - Secretariat, employees
Site update: 21.02.2025
Edyta Ciamaga, Agata Janaszczyk, Krzysztof Sobczak