Directory of MUG organizational structure

Start > University organization  > Inter-university and joint units  > Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG & MUG  > Departments of the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG & MUG at the MUG  > Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology  > Division of Molecular Bacteriology

Division of Molecular Bacteriology

Institute of Medical Biotechnology and Experimental Oncology


Journals publications included in the Master Journal List (from last three years):

  1. Matrix metalloproteinases in the periodontium - vital in tissue turnover and unfortunate in periodontitis - Radzki Dominik, NEGRI ALESSANDRO, KUSIAK AIDA, OBUCHOWSKI MICHAŁ - Int. J. Mol. Sci. - 2024 : vol. 25, nr 5, art. ID 2763, s. 1-33, bibliogr. 312 poz., streszcz. ang.
  2. Influence of glucose on swarming and quorum sensing of Dickeya solani - GATTA ROBERTA, Wiese Andrzej, IWANICKI ADAM, OBUCHOWSKI MICHAŁ - PLoS ONE - 2022 : vol. 17, nr 2, art. ID e0263124, s. 1-12, bibliogr. 39 poz., streszcz. ang.
Site update: 03.03.2021
Michał Obuchowski