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Division of Quality of Life Research

Department of Psychology


Journals publications included in the Master Journal List (from last three years):

  1. The relationship between physical activity and depressive symptoms in males: A systematic review and meta-analysis - BIDZAN-WIĄCEK MONIKA, BŁAŻEK MAGDALENA, ANTOSIEWICZ JĘDRZEJ - Acta Psychol. - 2024 : vol. 24, art. ID 104145, s. 1-9, bibliogr. [43] poz., streszcz. ang.
  2. Family functioning, maternal depression, and adolescent cognitive flexibility and its associations with adolescent depression: a cross-sectional study - URBAŃSKA-GROSZ JUSTYNA, SITEK EMILIA J., Pakalska Anna, Pietraszczyk-Kędziora Bożena, Skwarska Kalina, WALKIEWICZ MACIEJ - Children - 2024 : vol. 11, nr 1, art. ID 131, s. 1-18, bibliogr. 126 poz., streszcz. ang.
  3. Risk and protective factors for postpartum depression among polish women a prospective study - Klein Sebastian, BŁAŻEK MAGDALENA, ŚWIETLIK DARIUSZ - J. Psychosomat. Obstet. Gynecol. - 2024 : vol. 45, nr 1, s. 1-10, bibliogr. 47 poz., streszcz. ang.
  4. Pooled prevalence of depressive symptoms among medical students: an individual participant data meta-analysis - Pacheco Joāo Pedro Gonçalves, Bunevicius Aldomas, Oku Afiong, Shindel Alan, Torres Albina Rodrigues, Bassols Ana Margareth Siqueira, de Abreu Ramos-Cerqueira Ana Teresa, Fernando Antonio, Katkute Arune, Mayda Atilla Senih, Nair Balakrishnan, Breyer Beniamin N., Bakir Bilal, Kelly Brian, Angkurawaranon Chaisiri, Sreeramareddy Chandrashekhar, Samaranayake Chinthaka, Saravanan Coumaravelou, Del-Ben Cristina Marta, Hinic Darko, Goebert Deborah, Ristic-Ignjatovic Dragana, Al-Faris Eiad, Chang Elaine, Venkatarao Epari, Mojs Ewa Helena, Youssef Farid Fayez, Huang Gan, Buneviciene Inesa, Gold Jessica Ashley, Smith Jim, Berner Juan Enrique, Warchoł-Biederman Katarzyna, Wilkins Kirsten Matthews, WALKIEWICZ MACIEJ, Lima Maria Cristina Pereira, Wolf Megan, Bore Miles, Yusoff Muhamad Saiful Bahri, Karaoglu Nazan, Mousa Omar, Bellodi Patricia Lacerda, Rohrbaugh Robert, Singh Ruchi, Gupta Sandhya, Baldassin Sergio, Mohd-Sidik Sherina, Peleg-Sagy Tal, Tin Tan Siew, Quince Thelma, Wahed Wafaa Yousif Abdel, Hu Xinran, Liu Zhening, Zatt Wilson Baldin, Lo Kenneth, Tam Wilson - BMC Psychiatry - 2023 : vol. 23, art. ID 251, s. 1-9, bibliogr. 41 poz., streszcz. ang.
  5. Contributors to preterm birth: data from a single Polish perinatal center - JAŃCZEWSKA IWONA, Cichoń-Kotek Monika, Glińska Małgorzata, Deptulska-Hurko Katarzyna, BASIŃSKI KRZYSZTOF, WOŹNIAK MATEUSZ, WIERGOWSKI MAREK, Biziuk Marek, SZABLEWSKA ANNA, CICHOŃ MIKOŁAJ, WIERZBA JOLANTA - Children - 2023 : vol. 10, nr 3, art. ID 447, s. 1-11, bibliogr. 54 poz., streszcz. ang.
  6. Results of treatment of congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (Ondine's curse) in Poland - Kurlandt P., Wasilewski W., Szopa B., Nilsson P., ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA, Liczbik O., Czauderna J., Stogowski P., Wichniewicz K., Bieszczad D., Hueckel M., Kloc W. - Folia Neuropathol. - 2023 : vol. 61, nr 4, s. 467
  7. Somatic comorbidity and the progression of cognitive impairment - BIDZAN LESZEK, Jurek Paweł, OLECH MICHAŁ, BIDZAN-WIĄCEK MONIKA, Bidzan-Bluma Ilona, Bidzan Mariola - Front. Aging. Neurosci. - 2023 : vol. 15, art. ID 1219449, s. 1-7, bibliogr. [55] poz., streszcz. ang.
  8. Parental experiences of the liminal period of a child's fatal illness - Bernadetta Janusz, WALKIEWICZ MACIEJ - Health - 2023 : vol. 27, nr 4, s. 439-457, bibliogr. [53] poz., streszcz. ang.
  9. Emotional and experiential factors that determine civilizational diseases - Misiołek Kamila, BŁAŻEK MAGDALENA - Health Psychol. Rep. - 2023 : vol. 11, nr 3, s. 213-222, bibliogr. [47] poz., streszcz. ang.
  10. Psychological functioning of women diagnosed with lichen planus and other diseases of the oral cavity - explorative study - Sajewicz-Radtke Urszula, Radtke Bartosz M., Jurek Paweł, OLECH MICHAŁ, Skurska Anna, Ślebioda Zuzanna, Dorocka-Bobkowska Barbara, Pietuch Katarzyna, Sulewska Magdalena, BŁAŻEK MAGDALENA - Healthcare (Basel) - 2023 : vol. 11, nr 8, art. ID 1118, s. 1-11, bibliogr. 59 poz., streszcz. ang.
  11. Błażek ambivalent parental communication questionnaire (BAPCQ) - BŁAŻEK MAGDALENA, NADROWSKA NATALIA - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 2023 : vol. 20, nr 6, art. ID 4987, s. 1-14, bibliogr. 48 poz., streszcz. ang.
  12. Fatigue and the psychological characteristics of medical students - WALKIEWICZ MACIEJ, ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA, Budziński Waldemar, TARTAS MAŁGORZATA - Int. J. Occup. Med. Environ. Health - 2023 : vol. 36, nr 4, s. 1-9, bibliogr. 33 poz., streszcz. ang.
  13. Temporal hierarchies in the predictive processing of melody - from pure tones to songs - BASIŃSKI KRZYSZTOF, Quiroga-Martinez David Ricardo, Vuust Peter - Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. - 2023 : vol. 145, art. ID 105007, s. 1-12, bibliogr. [180] poz., streszcz. ang.
  14. Dark triad predictors of irony and sarcasm use: an investigation in a Polish sample - Fanslau Agnieszka, Kałowski Piotr, OLECH MICHAŁ, Rowicka Magdalena, Branowska Katarzyna, Olechowska Anna, Zarazińska Anna, Siemieniuk Aleksandra, Banasik-Jemielniak Natalia - Pers. Individ. Differ. - 2023 : vol. 214, art. ID 112344, s. 1-5, bibliogr. [61] poz.
  15. Developing simulated and virtual patients in psychological assessment - method, insights and recommendations - Zalewski Bartosz, GUZIAK MATEUSZ, WALKIEWICZ MACIEJ - Perspect. Med. Educ. - 2023 : vol. 12, nr 1, s. 455-461, bibliogr. 20 poz., streszcz. ang.
  16. The semantics of remorse for the climate crisis: moral self-awareness and its educational role - Tłokiński Waldemar, Olszewski Henryk, OLECH MICHAŁ - Sustainability - 2023 : vol. 15, nr 19, art. ID 14145, s. 1-12, bibliogr. 24 poz., streszcz. ang.
  17. Motivations for using nicotine pouches - findings from interviews with Polish adults - BALWICKI ŁUKASZ, KALINOWSKA-BESZCZYŃSKA OLGA, WOJTECKA AGNIESZKA, BASIŃSKA MAŁGORZATA - Tob. Prev. Cess. - 2023 : vol. 9, suppl., art. ID A39, s. 43-44
  18. Nicotine pouches perception among its users - in-depth interviews with young Polish adults - BALWICKI ŁUKASZ, KALINOWSKA-BESZCZYŃSKA OLGA, WOJTECKA AGNIESZKA, BASIŃSKA MAŁGORZATA - Tob. Prev. Cess. - 2023 : vol. 9, suppl. 2, art. ID A35, s. 23
  19. Psychosocial predictors of persistent low back pain in patients presenting to the emergency department - BASIŃSKI KRZYSZTOF, ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA, MAJKOWICZ MIKOŁAJ - Am. J. Emerg. Med. - 2022 : vol. 51, s. 85-91, bibliogr. 31 poz., streszcz. ang.
  20. NOAC versus warfarin in the treatment of atrial fibrillation during the first three months after bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement - Piepiorka-Broniecka Marta, MICHALSKI TOMASZ A., FIGATOWSKI TOMASZ, Wojtowicz Andrzej, Jurowiecki Jarosław, STAŃSKA ALEKSANDRA, ROGOWSKI JAN, JAGUSZEWSKI MIŁOSZ J. - Cardiol. J. - 2022 : vol. 29, nr 2, s. 355-357, bibliogr. 5 poz.
  21. Transition in rare diseases workshops - different perspective of patients, carers and professionals may add an important value to guidelines of care - ŚLEDZIŃSKA KAROLINA M., WIERZBA JOLANTA, Grybek Tomasz, MILSKA KATARZYNA, Kowalski Kacper, Kulisiak-Kazimierczak Joanna, Świeczkowska Katarzyna - Eur. J. Hum. Genet. - 2022 : vol. 30, suppl. 1, s. 571
  22. Enhanced mismatch negativity in harmonic compared with inharmonic sounds - Quiroga-Martinez David Ricardo, BASIŃSKI KRZYSZTOF, Nasielski Jonathan, Tillmann Barbara, Brattico Elvira, Cholvy Fanny, Fornoni Lesly, Vuust Peter, Caclin Anne - Eur. J. Neurosci. - 2022 : vol. 56, nr 5, s. 4583-4599, bibliogr. [49] poz., streszcz. ang.
  23. Comparing students of medical and social sciences in terms of self-assessment of perceived stress, quality of life, and personal characteristics - Wielewska Magda K., Godzwon Julia M., Gargul Kacper, Nawrocka Emma, Konopka Kinga, SOBCZAK KRZYSZTOF, Rudnik Agata, ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA - Front. Psychol. - 2022 : vol. 13, art. ID 815369, s. 1-6, bibliogr. [34] poz., streszcz. ang.
  24. Loneliness, complaining and professional burnout of medical personnel of psychiatric wards during COVID-19 pandemic : cross-sectional study - KARCZ EDYTA, ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA, ZIMMERMANN AGNIESZKA - Healthcare (Basel) - 2022 : vol. 10, nr 1, art. ID 145, s. 1-10, bibliogr. 44 poz., streszcz. ang.
  25. Affect and cognitive closure in students - a step to personalised education of clinical assessment in psychology with the use of simulated and virtual patients - WALKIEWICZ MACIEJ, Zalewski Bartosz, Guziak Mateusz - Healthcare (Basel) - 2022 : vol. 10, nr 6, art. ID 1076, s. 1-21, bibliogr. 43 poz., streszcz. ang.
  26. Walsh Family Resilience Questionnaire - Polish adaptation (WFRQ-PL) - NADROWSKA NATALIA, BŁAŻEK MAGDALENA, Lewandowska-Walter Aleksandra, Błażek Wojciech, ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 2022 : vol. 19, nr 7, art. ID 4197, s. 1-13, bibliogr. 55 poz., streszcz. ang.
  27. Sibling separation due to parental divorce: diagnostic aspects - Lewandowska-Walter Aleksandra, BŁAŻEK MAGDALENA - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 2022 : vol. 19, nr 10, art. ID 6232, s. 1-22, bibliogr. 107 poz., streszcz. ang.
  28. Questioning gender and sexual identity in the context of self-concept clarity, sense of coherence and value system - Jastrzębska Julia, BŁAŻEK MAGDALENA - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 2022 : vol. 19, nr 17, art. ID 10643, s. 1-11, bibliogr. 29 poz., streszcz. ang.
  29. Management decisions: the effectiveness and size of the emergency medical team - ROBAKOWSKA MARLENA, ŚLĘZAK DANIEL, ŻURATYŃSKI PRZEMYSŁAW, KRZYŻANOWSKI KAMIL, TYRAŃSKA-FOBKE ANNA, BŁAŻEK MAGDALENA, Woroń Jarosław - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 2022 : vol. 19, nr 7, art. ID 3753, s. 1-10, bibliogr. 30 poz., streszcz. ang.
  30. Heterogeneity of cognitive profiles in children and adolescents with mild intellectual disability (MID) - Sajewicz-Radtke Urszula, Jurek Paweł, OLECH MICHAŁ, Łada-Maśko Ariadna B., Jankowska Anna M., Radtke Bartosz M. - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 2022 : vol. 19, nr 12, art. ID 7230, s. 1-12, bibliogr. 41 poz., streszcz. ang.
  31. Fatigue, pro-social attitude and quality of life as predictors of empathy in medical and social-oriented students - ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA, SOBCZAK KRZYSZTOF, Rudnik Agata - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 2022 : vol. 19, nr 23, art. ID 15853, s. 1-8, bibliogr. 41 poz., streszcz. ang.
  32. Access to health information in the Polish Healthcare System - survey research - PILARSKA ANNA, ZIMMERMANN AGNIESZKA, ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 2022 : vol. 19, nr 12, art. ID 7320, s. 1-12, bibliogr. 25 poz., streszcz. ang.
  33. The impact of reflection on death on the self-esteem of health care workers - Holajn Piotr, ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA, ROBAKOWSKA MARLENA, ŚLĘZAK DANIEL, TYRAŃSKA-FOBKE ANNA, BASIŃSKI ANDRZEJ - Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - 2022 : vol. 19, nr 9, art. ID 5521, s. 1-11, bibliogr. 19 poz., streszcz. ang.
  34. Highly diverse phenotypes of mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB sibling patients: effects of an additional mutation in the AUTS2 gene - Anikiej-Wiczenbach Paulina, Mański Arkadiusz, MILSKA-MUSA KATARZYNA, Limanówka Monika, WIERZBA JOLANTA, Jamsheer Aleksander, Cyske Zuzanna, Gaffke Lidia, Pierzynowska Karolina, Węgrzyn Grzegorz - J. Appl. Genet. - 2022 : vol. 63, nr 3, s. 535-542, bibliogr. [23] poz., streszcz. ang.
  35. The aftercare survey: assessment and intervention practices after brain tumor surgery in Europe - Sierpowska Joanna, Rofes Adrià, Dahlslätt Kristoffer, Mandonnet Emmanuel, ter Laan Mark, Połczyńska Monika, De Witt Hamer Philip, Halaj Matej, Spena Giannantonio, Meling Torstein R., Motomura Kazuya, Reyes Andrés Felipe, Campos Alexandre Rainha, Robe Pierre A., Zigiotto Luca, Sarubbo Silvio, Freyschlag Christian F., Broen Martijn P. G., Stranjalis George, Papadopoulos Konstantinos, Liouta Evangelia (obcy), Rutten Geert-Jan, Viegas Catarina Pessanha, Silvestre Ana, Perrote Federico, Brochero Natacha, Cáceres Cynthia, ZDUN-RYŻEWSKA AGATA, Kloc Wojciech, Satoer Djaina, Dragoy Olga, Hendriks Marc P. H., Alvarez-Carriles Juan C., Piai Vitória - Neuro-Oncol. Pract. - 2022 : vol. 9, nr 4, s. 328337, bibliogr. 38 poz., streszcz. ang.
  36. The brief assessment of cognition in affective disorders - novel tool is the neuropsychological assessment in mood disorders - Polish translation - CUBAŁA WIESŁAW JERZY, WŁODARCZYK ADAM, SZARMACH JOANNA, Kiwnik-Dahm Aneta, MILSKA-MUSA KATARZYNA A., JAKUSZKOWIAK-WOJTEN KATARZYNA, SPRINGER JANUSZ - Psychiatr. Danub. - 2022 : vol. 34, nr 4, s. 631-634, bibliogr. 15 poz., streszcz. ang.
  38. Demographic and psychosocial characteristics of lung transplant candidates: single-center analysis - KAROLAK WOJTEK, STAŃSKA ALEKSANDRA, WOJARSKI JACEK, Shinde Reema, Ciak Ewelina, Polishchuk Alina, Łojko Miłosz, Sheikhsagha Elham, Ulstrup Ingrid Hofsli, Łacka Monika, Maruszewski Marcin, Woźniak-Grygiel Elżbieta, Abba Mary Ene, Górski Dominik, ŻEGLEŃ SŁAWOMIR - Transplant. Proc. - 2022 : vol. 54, nr 4, s. 1078-1081, bibliogr. 10 poz., streszcz. ang.
Site update: 10.02.2025
Krzysztof Basiński