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Division of Environmental Toxicology

Faculty of Health Sciences with the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine


Current research projects:

  • Title of project: Intensive rearing of poultry – identification of changes occurring in the environment and their impact on human health
    Project manager: Prof. Lidia Wolska
    Project budget: 2 815 560 PLN
    Project duration: 07.2020 – 11.2023
    Source of funding: National Science Centre (Poland), the competition OPUS 18, No. project UMO-2019/35/B/NZ7/04394

The proposed project aims to assess changes in the environment caused by intensive poultry farming and to characterize health hazards to employees and local residents impacted by the contaminants released during intensive poultry production including:
** Assessment of poultry farm workers’ exposure to chemical/microbiological agents and development of health protection guidelines.
** Exposure assessment of local population to chemical/microbiological agents present in air, water and soil with subsequent epidemiological questionnaire studies.
** Ecotoxicological assessment of soil and water changes around poultry farms including drug resistance, microbiome, nutrients’ impact.
** Assessment of changes in plants cultivated on soil fertilized with manure from intensive farming.
** Modeling of pollution distribution and dissemination.

The project aims to identify the environmental changes resulting from poultry farming using selected parameters obtained by standardized/developed methods:
** chemical (VOC, pesticides, antibiotics, endocrine disruptors (ED), metals) and ecotoxicological (incl. genotoxicity, ED assay) parameters in air, water, soil samples (e.g. ICP-MS, GC-MS/MS; UPLC-MS/MS);
** soil biochemical parameters (e.g. enzymatic activity, activity of nitrifying bacteria, physiological-biochemical processes in plants exposed to drugs) indicating its degradation after contact with farm nutrients/pollutants (MALDI-TOF/TOF; 2-D GE; CLS/LCS microscopes; spectrophotometry);
** microbiological parameters (e.g. drug resistance, quantitative and qualitative characterization of airborne microbiota, microbial soil composition) of environmental samples (with different culture media; biochemical methods; MALDI-TOF/TOF; REP-PCR; metagenomic analysis).

The project will also identify hazards generated by farms and their potential impact on human health with:
** epidemiological studies among farm employees (assessment of adverse health effects resulting from individual workplace exposure) and residents (subjective assessment of health condition), with statistical analysis of allergy occurrence among local residents using data obtained from health care centers or the National Health Fund;
** identification and comparison of microorganisms found in the upper respiratory tract of poultry farm workers and nearby residents (obtained via nasal swabs and collection of nasal lavage fluid and analyzed to identify bacteria/fungi/pathogens and antibiotic susceptible strains using traditional/biochemical/molecular methods e.g. API system, serological typing, Kirby-Bauer disk-diffusion method, PCR, MALDI-TOF);
** testing of employees’ exposure to airborne organic dust at different stages of the production cycle (identification of microorganisms in bioaerosols with biochemical, molecular and MALDI-TOF methods) and determination of selected proinflammatory markers (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, TNF-α) in collected nasal lavage fluid (ELISA immunoenzymatic method, cytological analysis).

These tasks will be carried out by a research team composed of specialists from four research centers (GUMed, CIOP, IUNG, UWM) having long-term experience in the respective fields and possessing properly equipped laboratory facilities.
This project will allow us to identify hazards and help to assess health risks associated with intensive poultry farming. We believe that the project results can be a solid base for introducing legal regulations to protect health and quality of life of both workers and local residents. The results should also help to reduce environmental degradation, to achieve sustainable development and environmental protection near the poultry farms. The project has potential to draw innovative and significant conclusions regarding anthropogenic degradation of the environment caused by intensive poultry farming.

  • Title of project: Investigation of human skin barrier to selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the presence of surfactants
    Project manager: Ewa Olkowska PhD Eng.
    Project budget: 424 410 PLN
    Project duration: 07.2017 – 07.2021
    Source of funding: National Science Centre (Poland), the competition SONATA 12, No. project UMO-2016/23/D/NZ7/03929

Human skin is the largest organ (~ 2 m 2), which serves an important protective function of separating the body from the environment. The skin should be a protective barrier against the contamination of the environment. Epidermis, where there are no blood vessels, is a barrier to prevent the penetration of toxins do subsequent skin layers, bloodstream, tissues and organs. However, for different substances (e.g. surfactants) it was proved that their presence promotes the absorption of other chemical compounds (e.g. pesticides, flavonoids, drugs) into successive layers of skin. This effect is used in drugs application through the transdermal therapeutic systems (TTS). There is no available literature data on the relationship between the presence of surfactants and increased penetration and permeation of the skin by endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). EDCs presence (even small concentration) causes abnormal development of the sexual organs, metabolic disorders and the presence of hormone-dependent tumors especially in children and adolescents. This group includes phthalic acid esters, which are used in large amounts as a plasticizer in the manufacture of plastic containers, toys, cosmetics, cleaning agents, adhesives, dyes, pharmaceuticals, TTS systems, materials used in medicine etc. Studies conducted in 80-90 years have shown only little ability to migrate phthalates through the skin of animals, but is not reflected in their share of the factors supporting their transport. Research hypothesis assumes that the coexistence of the phthalate-surfactant mixtures leads to a reduction of human skin barrier properties and allow for the permeation of endocrine disrupting compounds into the bloodstream.
The main objective of the project will examine the possibility of penetration of selected phthalates into the human skin and the permeate through the bloodstream (simulated by an acceptor medium) in the presence of surfactants under ex vivo and models of skin samples. In addition, the study will include determination of endocrine disrupting compounds after migration in the acceptor medium. The results of innovative research will permit the verification used according to the evaluation of human exposure to phthalates using different types of cosmetics and detergents.
The research results may provide an important basis for creating new cosmetic products and detergents more friendly to consumers. At the same time the results will help to correct the assumptions adopted in the health risks assessment in the area of estimation of exposure to phthalates and it will help protect the human health and people lives. In addition, paying attention and raising public knowledge in the area of increased exposure to phthalates coexisting with surfactants (e.g. in cosmetics, detergents) can result in a reasonable or reduced their application, the use of personal protective equipment, which can introduce the improvement of health and quality of consumers life.

Grants won:

  • Title of project: Comparative assessment of the fruit and vegetable peel barrier degree for currently used pesticides – estimation of exposure to consumption
    Project manager: Maciej Tankiewicz PhD Eng.
    Project budget: 749 080 PLN
    Project duration: 08.2016 – 08.2019
    Source of funding: National Science Centre (Poland), the competition SONATA 10, No. project UMO-2015/19/D/NZ7/03283

The main objective of the research is verification of penetrating capability of contemporarily used pesticides (differing in the molecular mass and physicochemical properties) through the peel (epidermis) into the acceptor fluid, simulates the matrix of fruit and vegetable samples. The project will also include preliminary assessment of the time of exposure to plant protection products and establishment of their permissible concentration to prevent food contamination. An additional objective involves development of a new analytical procedure, which allows the simultaneous determination of numerous pesticides which come from various groups of chemical compounds. The gained knowledge will make it possible to define which pesticides, when used for specific crops, penetrate through the peel (epidermis) and which are adsorbed only on their surface. Compounds, which do not permeate into the pulp and fulfill their function in accordance with their intended use, do not constitute a hazard for consumers. They can be removed effectively by washing, peeling, thermal processing or other processes. Compounds penetrating through the peel to deeper layers of the pulp accumulate and cause food contamination and they should be monitored in accordance with legal regulations. Moreover, the research results will enable the preparation of a recommendation list of active substances for specific plant species, the application of which is safe and does not pose a health hazard. The research results will be the basis for the assessment of the time of exposure to plant protection products to prevent their absorption. Additionally, it will be possible to estimate the highest permissible concentration of the active substance with a single treatment, which will not constitute a risk of contamination and will fight pathogens effectively at the same time. The research will be innovative with very significant conclusions from the point of view of health protection and of cognitive value for agriculture.

[1] Tankiewicz M., Determination of Selected Priority Pesticides in High Water Fruits and Vegetables by Modified QuEChERS and GC-ECD with GC-MS/MS Confirmation, Molecules (2019) 24(3), art. ID 417, 1-16.

  • Title of project: New tools in the methodology of health risk assessment in the conditions of environmental exposure to chemical emissions
    Project manager: Radosław Czernych PhD Eng.
    Project budget: 132 080 PLN
    Project duration: 12.2011 – 06.2014
    Source of funding: National Science Centre (Poland), the competition PRELUDIUM 1, No. project: UMO- 2011/01/N/NZ7/01547

[1] Sosnowiec K., Czernych R., Wolska L., Jak badać i oceniać efekty współoddziaływania substancji na organizmy żywe?, Kosmos (2012) 61(3), 425-431.
[2] Czernych R., Wrotkowska M., Muszyńska A., Wolska L., Zagożdżon P., Who is at risk? – an environmental health risk assessment related with pharmaceutical substances in drinking water, Challenges of Modern Technology, (2016) 7(2), 14-20.
[3] Czernych R., Gałęzowska G., Opalińska A., Bagniewski P., Wolska L., Chemical structure and impurities of catherers as a source of allergic reactions, Problemy Pielęgniarstwa (2014) 22(1), 91-98.
[4] Czernych R., Chraniuk M., Zagożdżon P., Wolska L., Characterization of estrogenic and androgenic activity of phthalates by the XenoScreen YES/YAS in vitro assay, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology (2017) 53, 95-104.

  • Title of project: The toxicity and genotoxicity assessment of stream of volatile organic compound emissions from building and fitting materials against chosen bioindicators
    Project manager: Prof. Lidia Wolska
    Project budget: 79 300 PLN
    Project duration: 05.2011 – 08.2013
    Source of funding: Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) / National Science Centre (Poland), No project: N N404 178740

[1] Sosnowiec K., Czernych R., Wolska L., Jak badać i oceniać efekty współoddziaływania substancji na organizmy żywe?, Kosmos (2012) 61(3), 425-431.
[2] Cieszyńska M., Wilma K., Gałęzowska G., Wolska L., Współczesna bioanalityka użytecznym narzędziem w ocenie jakości powietrza, Analityka (2013) 14(2), 28-37.
Results of this project were part of dr Katarzyna Sosnowiec’s doctoral dissertation (PI was supervisor of the thesis): Bioindicators used for the emissions assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from indoor materials, defense: 10.07.2014, WNoZ, Medical University of Gdańsk.

  • Title of project: Endogenous antimicrobial compounds in urine, their identification and toxicity, and the level of occurrence depending on environmental factors
    Project manager: Prof. Lidia Wolska
    Project budget: 248 300 PLN
    Project duration: 09.2010 – 03.2013
    Source of funding: Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) / National Science Centre (Poland), No. project: N N404 175139

[1] Szychowska K., Okrągła E., Gałęzowska G., Wolska L., Badanie moczu – od starożytności do teraźniejszości. Analityka, 1 (2013) 73-76.
[2] Okrągła E., Szychowska K., Wolska L., Mechanizmy utrzymywania sterylności układu moczowego. (Mechanisms of urinary tract sterility maintenance mechanisms) Postępy Hig. Med. Dośw., (2014) 68: 684-694.
[3] Gałęzowska G., Cieszynska-Semenowicz M., Okrągła E., Szychowska K., Wolska L., Progress in Analytical Techniques for Determination of Urine Components, Sep. Purif. Rev, (2017) 46: 305–318.
[4] Okrągła E., Chraniuk M., Wolska L., Microtox test as a tool to assess antimicrobial properties of herbal infusions used in urinary tract infections. Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica – Drug Research, (2017) 74(3): 895-901.
Results of this project were part of dr Emilia Okrągła’s doctoral dissertation (PI was supervisor of the thesis): Isolation from human urine and identification of toxic compounds against Vibrio fischeri, defense: 24.06.2016, WNoZ, Medical University of Gdańsk.

Own research:


  • Title of project: Distribution of endocrine disruptors in aquatic environment
    Project manager: Prof dr hab. Lidia Wolska
    Project duration: 2019-2021
    No. project: ST 02-0103/07/322

The purpose of the work is to attempt to determine the distribution of selected compounds from the EDC group between individual elements of the aquatic environment. Under model and real conditions, the concentrations of selected EDCs will be determined, which will be used to determine the partition coefficients.
[1] Tankiewicz M., Olkowska E., Berg A., Wolska L., Advancement in Determination of Phthalate Metabolites by Gas Chromatography Eliminating Derivatization Step, Front. Chem., 2020. DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2019.00928

  • Title of project: Ecotoxicity of surfactants
    Project manager: Prof dr hab. Lidia Wolska
    Project duration: 2016-2018
    No. project: ST 02-0103/07/322

[1] Olkowska E., Ruman M., Drąg-Śmigalska M., Polkowska Ż., Selected anionic and cationic surface active agents: case study on the Kłodnica sediments, Limnol. Rev. (2017) 17, 1: 11–21.
[2] Ruman M., Olkowska E., Drąg-Śmigalska M., Jankowski G., Polkowska Ż., Surfactants in Klodnica River (Katowice, Poland). Part I. Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonates (LAS) Ecol. Chem. Eng. S. 2017;24(1):53-63.
[3] Ruman M., Olkowska E., Polkowska Ż., Surfactants in Klodnica River – (Katowice, Poland). Part II. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QAC), Ecol. Chem. Eng. S. 2018;25(2):229-242.

  • Title of project: Identification and determination of soil microbiome composition during the process of natural biodegradation of plastics in waste storage quarters
    Project manager: Vladyslav Redko MSc
    Project duration: 2020-2021
    No. project: MN (waiting on funds)

Identification and determination of the composition of the soil microbiome during the process of natural biodegradation of plastic waste at municipal waste treatment installations. Comparison of the suitability of two different research approaches for analyzing the microbiological composition of air and soil samples based on traditional methods of microbiological culturing and high-throughput testing of microbiological composition of samples using the sequencing of selected genes.

  • Title of project: Pharmaceuticals in the groundwater of the area of Wysoczyzna Kaszubska as a potential environmental problem
    Project manager: Katarzyna Wychodnik MSc
    Project duration: 2019-2020
    No. project: MN 01-0453/08

The project objective is to collect samples of groundwater and their qualitative and quantitative analysis in the field of selected pharmaceuticals. Research was conducted before (May/June) and after the holiday season (October). Samples after previous preparation are subjected to chromatographic analysis (LC-MS / MS). The developed analytical method allows the detection of 26 pharmaceuticals and caffeine in water samples.

  • Title of project: Assessment of the impact of fungicide exposure on the development of hormonal disorders in women
    Project manager: Andrzej Berg MSc
    Project duration: 2019-2020
    No. project: MN 01-0452/08

The aim of the project is to assess the contribution of nutritional exposure to selected fungicides (substances with fungicidal activity) in the development of hormonal disorders in women. The project includes also toxicological tests. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of fungicides is carried out in serum and urine samples. Selected plant protection products will be determined in biological samples using gas chromatography in combination with tandem mass spectrometry (MS) and liquid chromatography (LC) in combination with tandem mass spectrometry (MS).

  • Title of project: Treated wastewater as a source of perfluorinated compounds in Gulf of Gdansk ecosystem
    Project manager: Ewa Olkowska PhD Eng.
    Project duration: 2018-2019
    No. project: MN 01-0391/08

[1] Gałęzowska G., Rogowska J., Olkowska E., Wolska L., Determination of 17 perfluoroalkyl substances in sediments using automated solid phase extraction and ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry, Chromatographia, DOI: 10.1007/s10337-020-03922-y

  • Title of project: Assessment of health risk associated with exposure to selected endocrine active compounds present in fresh food
    Project manager: Maciej Tankiewicz PhD Eng.
    Project duration: 2018-2019
    No. project: MN 01-390/08

The aim of the study was to estimate the residues of selected pesticides with confirmed endocrine activity in fresh fruit and vegetables using a developed analytical procedure. The obtained analysis results will be the basis for estimating health risk and the degree of exposure to toxic endocrine active compounds present in fresh fruit and vegetables. The acquired knowledge will allow to know the content of pesticides with proven endocrine activity in the studied food and their impact on human health and life.

  • Title of project: Chemical factors in nurses’ work environment
    Project manager: Joanna Ratajczyk MSc Eng
    Project duration: 2018-2019
    No. project: MN 01-0383/08

The aim of the study is to identify and characterize chemical hazards – cytostatics present at the nurse’s workplace. The specific objectives are: 1) to develop a method of sampling, analytical methods for identifying and determining cytostatics in total and respirable dust, and dust collected in medical care facilities; 2) developing analytical methods for identifying cytostatics in the urine of nurses.

  • Title of project: Identification of transformation products of toxic organic compounds in environmental and biological samples
    Project manager: Maciej Tankiewicz PhD Eng.
    Project duration: 2016-2018
    No. project: MN 01-0212/08

[1] Tankiewicz M., Olkowska E., Berg A., Wolska L., Advancement in determination of phthalate metabolites by gas chromatography eliminating derivatization step, Front. Chem. (2020) 7(928), 1-13.

  • Title of project: Surface active agents- health risk assessment
    Project manager: Ewa Olkowska PhD Eng.
    Project duration: 2016-2017
    No. project: MN 01-0211/08

[1] Olkowska E., Ruman M., Drąg-Śmigalska M., Polkowska Ż., Selected anionic and cationic surface active agents: case study on the Kłodnica sediments, Limnol. Rev. (2017) 17, 1: 11–21.
[2] Ruman M., Olkowska E., Drąg-Śmigalska M., Jankowski G., Polkowska Ż., Surfactants in Klodnica River (Katowice, Poland). Part I. Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonates (LAS) Ecol. Chem. Eng. S. 2017;24(1):53-63.
[3] Ruman M., Olkowska E., Polkowska Ż., Surfactants in Klodnica River – (Katowice, Poland). Part II. Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (QAC), Ecol. Chem. Eng. S. 2018;25(2):229-242.

  • Title of project: Influence of Volatile Organic Compounds to A549 cells’ biological activity
    Project manager: Milena Chraniuk MSc Eng
    Project duration: 2016-2017
    No. project: MN 01-0210/08

Human lung cells (A549 cell line) were exposed to VOCs in an ALI exposure system (P.R.I.T.®ExpoCube ®). After exposure, biological material was collected. TBARS and GSH/GSSG analysis were carried out. TBARS test presented none satisticaly important differences between samples collected after exposure to air, VOC and samples of non-exposed cells. GSH/GSSG analysis of cellular samlpes was developed. Metodology gave moderate results and it should be validated in future research. ALI systems can be considered as a good instrument in the evaluation of VOCs effects on human lungs and as a first step in new biological response tests for environmental toxicity of gases. Moreover, future research and developement of inhalation in vitro tests can provide comertial versions of this assay. ALI test give also possibility to understand innfluenece of VOC to lung cells and human health. In vitro tests for VOC’s can significantly change the perception of indoor air pollution and can be important step in improving air condition.

  • Title of project: Determination of toxicity parameters (EC50 and EC20) for selected organic compounds present in wastewater toward Heterocypris incongruens crustacean
    Project manager: Wojciech Ratajczyk PhD Eng
    Project duration: 2016-2017
    No. project: MN 01-0194/08

The aim of the project was to estimate th toxicity of metronidazole, lamotrigine, simvastatin, tramadol HCl, ciprofloxacin HCl, ranitidine HCl, acetylosalicylic acid and caffeine identified in treated wastewater toward Heterocypris incongruens living in the aquatic environment.

  • Title of project: The air quality assessment in cars for the presence of petroleum compounds
    Project manager: Grażyna Gałęzowska PhD Eng.
    Project duration: 2015
    No. project: MN 01-0191/08

The aim of the study was to determine the air quality in cars in terms of occurrence of petroleum compounds. Air analyzes were performed during and before refueling and the effect of refueling on the content of petroleum compounds was determined. To determine the toxicity of compounds at the given level, studies were performed using cell cultures (cell lines A549). Obtained results will make it possible to analyze health risk.

  • Title of project: Quality Assessments Building and Furniture Materials using Tissue Culture
    Project manager: Grażyna Gałęzowska PhD Eng.
    Project duration: 2013-2014
    No. project: MN 01-0099/08

[1] Gałęzowska G., Chraniuk M., Wolska, L. In vitro assays as a tool for determination of VOCs toxic effect on respiratory system: A critical review. TRAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2016) 77: 14-22.

  • Title of project: Estimation of elemental sulfur toxicity towards selected indicator organisms
    Project manager: Justyna Rogowska DSc Eng
    Project duration: 2013-2014
    No. project: MN 01-0095/08

[1] Rogowska J., Sychowska J., Cieszynska-Semenowicz M., Wolska L. Elemental sulfur in sediments: analytical problems. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23 (2016) 24871–24879.
[2] Cieszynska-Semenowicz M., Rogowska J., Ratajczyk W., Ratajczyk J., Wolska L. Toxicity studies of elemental sulfur in marine sediments. International Journal of Sediment Research 2(33) (2018) 191-197.

  • Title of project: Estimation of Toxic Effluent Load Discharged from the Group Sewage Treatment Plant “Dębogórze” to the Gulf of Gdansk and the Estimate of the Effectiveness of the Removal of Toxicity in the Wastewater Treatment Process
    Project manager: Monika Cieszyńska PhD
    Project duration: 2013-2014
    No. project: MN 01-0061/08

The study examins the toxicity of raw and treated sewage from the Group Sewage Treatment Plant “Dębogórze” which is then discharged into the Gulf of Gdansk on the basis of several test organisms, which have not yet been studied and which are used in standard tests acute and chronic toxicity testing (eg. crustaceans, arthropods, invertebrates). Based on the measurements of the parameters toxicity charge entering and leaving the treatment plant and the ratio of toxicity removal efficiency in the purification process will be evaluated.

  • Title of project: Bioindicators in Assessment of Volatile Organic Compounds Emission from Indoor Materials
    Project manager: Katarzyna Sosnowiec (Wilma) MSc
    Project duration: 2012-2013
    No. project: MN 01-0037/08

The aim of the research task entitled was to determine the toxicity parameters EC50 against several tests after the initial verification of suitability. The following both outfitting and construction materials were chosen for the studies: styrofoam plates and rollerblinds. The remaining compounds, polar in nature, were absorbed in an aqueous medium (W), and were assayed for potentially toxic compounds using bioassay: Microtox® – bacteria Vibrio fischeri, Thamnotoxkit FTM – shellfish Thamnocephalus platyurus.

  • Title of project: Toxicity of human urine toward Vibrio fischeri bacteria
    Project manager: Katarzyna Szychowska MSc
    Project duration: 2010, 2012-2013
    No. project: W 943, MN 01-0032/08

The aim of the project was to prepare screening of urine toxicity using the Microtox® test. On this basis, the possibilities of using the test used to test the quality of environmental samples in diagnostic analytics were explored. Basic principles of sample preparation were developed and factors influencing the obtained results were indicated

  • Title of project: Isolation and Identification of Urinary Compounds Toxic Toward Vibrio fischeri Bacteria
    Project manager: Emilia Okrągła PhD Eng.
    Project duration: 2012-2013
    No. project: MN 01-0030/08

The main aim of the project was a development routine determination procedure of urinary compounds toxic toward Vibrio fischeri bacteria. Realization of this goal required adequate sample preparation, due to a reach urine matrix, which could affect adversely at chromatographic column, and thus at chromatogram analysed urine sample.

Site update: 07.01.2025
Goran Gržinić, Maciej Tankiewicz, Lidia Wolska