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Department of Pharmaceutical Pathophysiology

Faculty of Pharmacy


1. experimental nanomedicine – nanopharmacology and nanotoxicology: interaction of nanoparticles with skin cells, tumor transformed cells, platelets
2. platelets pharmacology – assessment of molecular mechanisms related to altered platelet activity
3. pathomechanism of pancreatic cancer
4. cytotoxicity, cytostatic activity, cytoprotective activity of xenobiotics in in vitro and ex vivo models
2. pathophysiology of calcium and phosphate metabolism disorders
3. blood pressure in parathyroid disorders
4. biological properties of new imidazoline derivatives
5. pathophysiology of podocyte function – renal glomerular cells
6. pathomechanisms of podocyte dysfunction in diabetes

Site update: 08.12.2024
Justyna Budka, Dominika Fortuna, Iwona Inkielewicz-Stępniak, Eliza Iwicka