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Department of Pharmaceutical Pathophysiology

Faculty of Pharmacy


Current research projects:

  • Projects in progress in:
    I Experimental cardiology and endocrinology implemented mainly in the “in vivo” Research Laboratory
    - mechanism of hypotensive action of selected newly synthesized imidazoline derivatives – cooperation with the Chair and Department of Chemical Technology of Medicinal Agents.
    - study of the role of calcium receptor in the mechanism of insulin secretion.
    II Experimental Nephrology, carried out in the Laboratory of Experimental Nephrology
    - study of the mechanisms regulating glucose transport in podocytes

Grants won:

  • Grant projects
    1. NCN (OPUS) No. 2019/35/B/NZ7/04212 “Synthetic analogs of opioid growth factor combined with glucosamine derivatives as compounds of potential importance in the targeted therapy of pancreatic cancer”

    2. H2020, EU-funded, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Registration number: 861196 (2019-2022) “PRECODE Network: Pancreatic Cancer organoids research”

    3. NCN (HARMONIA) No. UMO-2017/26 / M / NZ7 / 01030: Antithrombotic and antimicrobial activity of functionalized silver nanoparticles in in vitro, ex vivo and animal model research. ‘’

    4. NCN (PRELUDIUM) No. UMO-2017/27 / N / NZ7 / 02675 (2018-2021) entitled: “Assessment of the potential use of glutathione-modified silver nanoparticles in the prevention of periodontal diseases by determining their cytotoxicity, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties in models in vitro and in vivo ‘’

    5. NCN (PRELUDIUM) No. 2016/21 / N / NZ3 / 03276, (2017-2020) entitled: “The influence of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide in co-exposure with UV radiation on the formation of malignant melanoma – in vitro and in vivo ‘’

    6. “We support the development” of Cedrob SA. (2018) ,, Influence of functionalisation of silver nanoparticles on their antimicrobial properties. A new therapeutic option? “

Scientific collaborations:
University of Warsaw – Department of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Technology
University of Gdansk – Department of Molecular Biochemistry; Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry; Department of Environmental Technology; Laboratory of Electron Microscopy
Gdansk University of Technology – Department of Organic Chemistry
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Germany

Own research:

  • 2004-2006, 2007-2009, 2010-2012, 2013-2015 – ST-54 – Mechanisms mediating blood pressure regulation by the parathyroid glands and influencing the function of podocytes in chronic kidney diseases. < br>
    2019-2021 – ST-54 – Study of the mechanisms mediating the hypotensive effect of new imidazoline derivatives.
    2002-2004 – W-510 – Effect of parathyroid gland function on blood pressure.
    from 2010 – W-78 – Assessment of the role of central and peripheral blood pressure regulation in the hypotensive effect of new imidazoline derivatives.
Site update: 08.12.2024
Justyna Budka, Dominika Fortuna, Iwona Inkielewicz-Stępniak, Eliza Iwicka